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Home Security When On Holiday: How To Keep Your Home Safe While You’re Away

In this article, we will share a few tips on how to provide home security when on holiday. But first, we want to clear up some common questions around home security and keeping your home safe.

Does The Possibility Of Going Away in January Increase The Chance Of Burglary?

There is no definitive answer to either confirm or deny this. However, generally speaking, when people go away on vacation or for an extended period of time, they may be more likely to fall victim to burglary.

This is because burglars are more likely to target homes that they know will be unoccupied. They can recognize unoccupied houses by seeing uncollected mail or newspapers and lights that are left on at odd hours.

How Effective is a Smart Home Security System Against Burglars?

A smart security system for your home can be an effective deterrent against burglars, as well as a useful tool for investigating a break-in. One of the key advantages of smart home security systems is that they can be controlled and monitored remotely. This means that homeowners can keep an eye on their property even when they are away.

The value of smart security cameras and smart sensors

Specialised CCTV solutions can be installed to keep an eye on the front door. By having access to control smart locks from a smartphone, homeowners can lock or unlock their front doors as and when they choose.

Smart motion sensors, such as door and window sensors, work through motion detection. This means that they can detect when a door or window has been opened. When this happens, an alert will be sent to the homeowner’s smartphone or to the alarm receiving centre.

Integrating your home alarm system with other smart home devices

Smart home alarm systems — such as Automation and Control 4 — can be integrated with other smart devices in your home. For example, by connecting your alarm system to your smart lights, you will be able to switch lights on and off while being miles away from your actual property. This helps create the illusion that you are home even when you are away.

What are the biggest security deterrents that work against burglars?


    11 Tips For Keeping Your Home Safe When You're Away

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do home alarm systems deter burglars?

    Yes, alarm systems are effective in deterring burglars. They can detect an intrusion and alert the alarm receiving centre or homeowners to respond quickly. Sometimes, even having a home security system clearly visible helps deter burglars.

    What do I do when my home security alarm goes off?

    If your home alarms go off, the first thing to do is remain calm. Then, do some investigating to verify whether or not it is a false alarm. Wait for a call from your security company and let them know whether or not you need assistance.

    Protect your home, business and the people you care about with Telcam’s security solutions.

    We offer a comprehensive range of security/ safety solutions for homes, businesses, and the public sector. 

    Our priority is to provide you with the highest level of security and safety whilst also assuring you that you are in “good hands” with an organisation that always puts the customer first. 

    We are available 24/7 and dedicated to making you feel safe & secure in your workplace or at home.

    For more tips on home security, please follow our social media channels and check out the rest of our blog.