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11 Top Tips For Effective Home Security — How To Make Your Home Safer

Feeling safe at home is crucial. With potential rises in burglaries in years to come, you must invest in securing your home so you can sleep soundly at night.

Read on for our home security tips, including probably home security tips you never thought of, and to learn how to make your home the safest it can be.

1. Invest in a security system

Setting up a security system is the best way to safeguard your home. Whether it is an alarm system, security cameras, or smart locks on outside doors, any type of security system will protect your home from intruders.

Importantly, smart home security systems will even notify you if a break-in or other suspicious activity is happening at your home.

2. Have light motion detectors outside your home

The best way to deter a potential intruder is to have a well-lit home. If they are trying to rob you and are startled by lights turning on, this will not only alert you of their presence but also make them less likely to follow through with their scheme.

3. Install a security doorbell camera

A security doorbell camera helps you monitor your front door straight from your smartphone. You’ll be able to monitor who is coming and going to look out for anything out of the ordinary.

4. Add security cameras

When someone notices a security camera on your home — such as our specialised CCTV solutions — they will be much less likely to attempt a robbery.

5. Make sure all windows have a proper locking mechanism

With windows being the preferred method of breaking in for most thieves, their locking mechanisms must be strong. All your windows should be fitted with high-quality window locks and even security glass to keep out unwanted guests.

This is one of the simplest and most underappreciated actions you can taking when wanting to know how to protect your home without a security system. 
Need to know:
These days, breaking windows is the most popular way to steal. Around 25% of burglars enter a home this way.

6. Upgrade your door locks

It’s important to remember that doors are only as strong as door frames and locks. That’s why it is important to secure the exterior doors of your home with strong locks.

7. Keep keys out of sight

Never leave your keys close to a window or in your car.

8. Improve your outdoor lighting

Break-ins happen in homes that are poorly lit. By strategically placing your outdoor lighting to light up your house at night, you will increase your house’s security.

9. Lock your garage door

Many people overlook the garage door locks when leaving the house. Keeping it secure will make sure your house is safe when you’re not home.

10. Strategically use curtains and blinds

Be sure to close your curtains and draw your blinds when you aren’t home to reduce the chance of someone breaking in.

11. Be aware of your surroundings

Always take valuables out of your car and never draw too much attention to the fact that you aren’t home. The best way to protect yourself from being robbed is a keen awareness of your surroundings.


      1. How can I make my house more secure?

    An easy way to keep your house safe is by installing a home security system. Even just the presence of security cameras or lights will deter potential intruders and prevent burglaries.

        1. Will burglaries increase in 2023?

      The cost of living crisis is making it difficult for many people to get by. In these desperate times, burglaries tend to increase. This cost of living crisis paves the way for petty crime to flourish.

      In times of financial hardship, there is always a rise in burglaries and theft. As of March 2022, there were 526 burglaries per day in the UK.

          1. When is the most likely month to get robbed?

        When the clocks go back in October and the evenings get darker earlier, theft increases on average by 5%.

        In November, Bonfire Night is the worst night of the year for crime, with theft increasing by about 22% on that day alone.

        Valentine’s Day is another day that sees a lot of break-ins happening, with an average increase of 9% compared to an average day.

        July is also a busy time for a break-in, as the warm weather makes it more likely for windows to be open and unlocked. Wimbledon and other football tournaments also increase crime at this time.

        Protect your home, business and the people you care about with Telcam’s security solutions. 

        We offer a comprehensive range of security/ safety solutions for homes, businesses, and the public sector. 

        Our priority is to provide you with the highest level of security and safety whilst also assuring you that you are in “good hands” with an organisation that always puts the customer first. 

        We are available 24/7 and dedicated to making you feel safe & secure in your workplace or at home.

        For more tips on home security, please follow our social media channels and check out the rest of our blog. 

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